Thursday 31 March 2016

Which Dental Crown Should You Get?


Dental crowns are effective tools used in the dental industry to prevent damage teeth and gums. Crowns are often used to cover damaged teeth due to tooth decay. Crowns can be made of different materials and depending on your needs and your budget, you may prefer one type over the other.

Ceramic: This is perhaps the most popular type of crown for front teeth. Made of a porcelain based material, they can be matched your natural tooth color. Though sturdy, they are the weakest of crown types.

Porcelain-Fused: Another popular option is the porcelain-fused crown, which is actually attached to metal for a stronger bond, yet can also be matched to your teeth. For this reason, people generally also choose this type of crown for front teeth, especially incisors.

Metal alloys: Metal alloy crowns can be made of several metals. There are gold crowns, which are usually mixed with a number of other alloys. There are also other base metals that are used. Regardless of the type of metal alloy used, they are usually highly resistant to corrosion.

There are many options for getting dental crowns. If you need dental crowns in Soquel, check out this website.

Anatomy of Tooth Decay


Having a cavity can be painful experience and here’s why. Cavities are literally holes that develop in your teeth. Certain materials you ingest can eat through the enamel in your teeth. If a cavity opens deep enough it can reach the root of your teeth, causing an abscess.

5 Ways to Get Kids to Clean Their Teeth

Oral health is an important aspect of overall health. As such, it is important to cultivate good habits in children at an early age. Children should start seeing dentists regularly twice a year starting approximately 6 months after they cut their first teeth. In addition, there are 5 practical things parents can do at home to get their kids into the habit of cleaning their teeth.

  1. Encourage healthy eating. In their first few years of life, children’s choices are by and large chosen by what their parents eat. Encourage your children to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Rub infant gums. Doing this is two-fold. Rubbing gums helps get rid of bacteria and gets the child used to the brushing motion. And when a child is teething, he or she will love it.
  3. Start brushing with first teeth. The moment a child’s tooth appears, start brushing. It will keep it clean and healthy when the others start coming in.
  4. Make brushing a fun game. There are many ways to initiate your toddlers into brushing their own teeth. Make it a game. Set a timer. Brush with them.
  5. Introduce flossing and mouthwash. Once your children know how to brush, start teaching them how to floss between teeth and how to gargle, starting first with water, then moving to mouthwash when they master it.

If you need to know more about helping your children start and maintain good oral help, this website is a great resource. Check out this website to find a pediatric dentist in Santa Cruz.

ADA Library & Archives adds 81 new e-books in 2016

The ADA Library & Archives added 81 new e-books available on its website in January — all are accessible remotely by ADA members. In all, the ADA Library & Archives has more

Thursday 17 March 2016

Smile Your Way to a More Confident You

There’s no reason your smile can’t be both healthy and beautiful. If you are unsatisfied or unhappy with your teeth or your smile, you can improve them by seeking an experienced cosmetic dental surgeon. To understand more about the perks of cosmetic dentistry, you should understand more about what it is.

What is it? Cosmetic dentistry is any procedure that improves the condition of your teeth and mouth. These procedures could be as mild as bleaching teeth to more extensive procedures such as reshaping teeth. Getting crowns or veneers is also considered a cosmetic dental procedure as well.

Why get it? People choose to have cosmetic dentistry for many reasons. Some choose it merely for the aesthetic effect. However, cosmetic surgery can also be used to address serious oral problems such as missing teeth or severe overbites.

Who can perform it? Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field. Those who are qualified to perform the different surgical procedures should be certified by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and be up on the latest techniques in cosmetic dentistry. It is also recommended that patients view photos of previous procedures and references to gauge the experience of the cosmetic surgeon.

Regardless of the reasons for opting to alter your smile, the procedure can instill more confidence. Check out this website for more about the perks of cosmetic dentistry in Holly Springs.

A Healthy Smile Is a Beautiful Smile

Good oral health is a must, not only to keep your smile healthy, but also to keep your overall health as well. Visit your dentist for scheduled cleanings twice a year so that you can stay beautiful on the inside and out.

How to Find the Right Dentist

Finding the right dentist nowadays is a whole lot easier than it used to be. No longer do you have to do a complicated search through a large directory, but you can now browse the internet to find the dentist. If you want to know how to find the right dental office for you, here are some tips of what to look for.

  • Credentials. Dentists must go through extensive training to have dental practices. Check both the credentials and with the state board to make sure that the dentist is fully licensed and has current certifications.

  • Reputation. There’s no shame in seeking out a dentist that has a good reputation. Dentists are dealing with your teeth and gums, which are extremely sensitive. So you want to make sure the person who is in your mouth is one you can tolerate.

  • Fees.Once you’ve narrowed down a dentist by verifying credentials and finding one whose bedside manner is on par with you, you should check out the fees associated with them. Also critical to your dental search is making sure that the dentist you’re considering accepts your insurance.

  • Hours. Make sure that the dentist’s hours are convenient to yours. You should also find out if the dentist has extended hours or any emergency care options available.

It’s important to find the right dentist to maintain good oral health. Check out this website to find out a dental office in Morrisville.

Dr. Frank C. Andolino II named 2016 ADA Humanitarian

"After having spent three weeks extracting teeth in a remote Tanzanian village, I climbed Kilimanjaro," said Dr. Andolino, while being interviewed from his Manhattan orthodontic practice. "En route to the summit I met a Peace Corps volunteer who was more

Saturday 12 March 2016

How to Prepare For a Tooth Extraction Procedure


Receiving a tooth extraction can be daunting, but in most cases, they are safe and fairly easy to recover from. First and foremost, make sure to discuss your health and complete medical history with your dentist, including all supplements and medications that you take. Here are some preparation tips to check off your list before going in for a tooth extraction.

Arrange Transportation

It’s likely that you won’t be able to drive yourself home from the dentist’s office after oral surgery, so it’s important to find someone to drive you to and from the procedure. The night before the tooth extraction, double check with the person you’ve scheduled to drive you to the appointment to make sure there are no surprises on the day of the procedure.

Stock Your Fridge With Soft Foods

For the first two days after surgery, you will want to stick with soft foods like yogurt and soup. It’s also advisable to stay away from hot foods, as lingering effects of the anesthesia might prevent you from feeling the temperature and you could burn yourself.

Fast and Refrain From Smoking

Do not eat or drink anything eight hours before the procedure, and refrain from smoking. Smoking can increase the likelihood of dry socket, an extremely painful condition.

If you’re interested with speaking to a dentist about tooth extractions in Chapel Hill, visit this website for more information.

Types of Dentures and What They Offer


If you’re considering dentures, it’s vital to know the different types of dentures and what they offer. Here are the two main types of dentures and their functions.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are used for total tooth loss. They are available in two different options: conventional or immediate. Conventional dentures are made after the teeth removal during the recovery period. A conventional denture is typically ready for use approximately eight weeks after the removal of the teeth.  Unlike conventional dentures, immediate dentures are ready prior to the teeth removal. This offers the advantage of not having to go a period of time without teeth. However, gums and bones in the mouth tend to change over time, so immediate dentures usually require more adjustments than conventional dentures.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures, as the name suggests, are best for individuals who still have more than half of their natural teeth in place. In addition to filling the spaces where teeth have been lost, partials also help to prevent the shifting of other teeth. Partials can be permanent or removable, depending on which you prefer.

It’s best to consult with your dentist to find the type of dentures to fit your needs. If you’re interested in getting dentures in Cary, visit this website to learn more about the available options.

A Great Smile Is Just Around the Corner


It might seem like a lot of time would go into straightening out your smile, but if you get started today, a great smile can be just around the corner.

Friday 11 March 2016

Ways a Dental Cleaning Can Save You Money in the Long Run


As simple as it sounds to brush and floss your teeth every day and schedule dental appointments once every six months, many people still do not do it. It is a real shame because getting routine dental cleanings can do a lot more than keep your teeth healthy. It can also save you quite a bit of cash.

Avoid More Expensive Procedures

If you take care of your teeth, then they will be less likely to decay and fall out. In the event that your teeth do require more intensive treatments, you will need to pay to get them done. While insurance can occasionally cover the costs, some people do not have that and will need to pay out of pocket. Regardless of what you have, it is always better to prevent a problem from developing than having to treat it.

Avoid Tooth Loss

When a tooth is lost, it needs to be replaced before more serious complications show up in the mouth. While the tooth replacement itself will cost a pretty penny, you may need to undergo additional procedures such as bone grafting so that your new tooth will stay in place.

There are numerous ways to benefit by seeing a professional dentist with some regularity. Visit this website to schedule your next dental cleaning in Durham.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges


When trying to replace or repair a tooth, there are several options to choose from. Certain replacements will be better for some patients than others, and you should discuss every one with your dentist. With that being said, there are some excellent benefits to be gained by using a dental bridge to restore your smile.

Looks Great

If you choose to get a bridge constructed out of porcelain, then it will look just like your natural teeth. It will completely replace any damaged or lost teeth so that no one will be able to tell that you got a dental replacement. Your bridge will be completely customized to mesh well with your other teeth.

Fixed Into Place

Bridges are fixed in your mouth by being attached to the two adjacent teeth on either side of the gap. Therefore, you will not have to worry about your bridge falling out without warning.

Quick Procedure

Some dental replacements can be rather invasive, which means it may be a while until you finally get your ultimate replacement. Bridges can be applied relatively quickly, so you can go about your normal routine sooner.

Before undergoing any procedure, your dentist will go over every step of the treatment so that you know everything that will be happening. For more information about dental bridges in Raleigh, visit this website.

In Cleveland, dental students spark senior smiles

Cleveland — More senior citizens here are receiving dental care thanks to a new Case Western Reserve University more

How to Get a More Natural Looking Smile With Porcelain Dental Crowns


Many people experience damaged or missing teeth. When this happens, there are plenty of solutions to replace the structure, and these replacements can often be made out of a variety of materials. One of the best materials for your new tooth is porcelain.


One reason why a porcelain crown will completely rejuvenate your appearance is because it can be custom-built to blend in beautifully with the rest of your teeth. A professional will be able to ever so slightly alter the crown so that it looks just like your old tooth.

Great for a Variety of Issues

You should always discuss your options with your dentist before deciding on anything, but crowns are often suitable for a number of circumstances. They are great for when a tooth has undergone significant chipping or cracking. They are also the ideal way to cover up a dental implant in order to completely replace a tooth that fell out. In situations where other replacements just will not cut it, crowns can typically get the job done.

The next time you need to get a tooth fixed or replaced, talk to your dentist about porcelain crowns. There are numerous benefits to be gained, and your smile will look fantastic once again. Simply visit this website to get started on your new porcelain dental crowns in Raleigh.

3 Signs You May Have Gum Disease


Many people experience gum disease at some point in their lives. While it is easily treatable if detected early on, there are certain symptoms you need to be mindful of. If you notice any significant changes regarding your oral structures, you should see a dentist posthaste.

Swollen Gums

Pay careful attention to the margins of your gums. If they appear swollen or red in color, then it should be taken as a sign that you have periodontal disease. You should also seek attention if your gums bleed profusely whenever you brush and floss.

Bad Breath

Due to the presence of an excessive amount of bacteria in your mouth, you may notice that your breath has an unpleasant odor to it. When this occurs regularly, mouthwash is no longer going to be a viable solution.

Loose Teeth

A serious symptom of periodontal disease is gum recession, which can expose the roots of your teeth. This can also make them feel loose. If the problem is not dealt with soon, then your teeth may even begin to drift out of their normal positions.

You need to take care of your teeth and gums at home so that whenever you do see a dentist, you get nothing but good news. To schedule an appointment with a dentist in Raleigh, visit this website.